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April Evans

Visiting Faculty


April Evans, Ph.D. is an interdisciplinary social scientist working as a Science Writer for the USDA Forest Service. Over the last decade, Evans has gained natural resource management experience with the USDA Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service. Evans has served as project manager, environmental coordinator, mentor to new employees, and team leader. Her breadth of experience has the common thread of connecting communities with public land. As such, Evans works to share the collective story of land management and find new ways to help all communities engage, explore, and learn more about their public lands. Evans holds a Bachelor of Science in Recreational Therapy, a Master of Science in Recreation Facility and Services Administration, and a Doctorate in Coastal Resource Management, from East Carolina University. 

Areas of Specialization

  • Natural resources management
  • Public land management
  • Community engagement