Dominique Lueckenhoff

Dominique Lueckenhoff has over 25 years of multi-programmatic experience with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including more than 22 years of supervisory experience in government. She is Acting Director of the EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division, directing the region’s second largest programmatic organization, addressing clean water and safe drinking water needs through cooperative work with the Mid-Atlantic states (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia) and the District of Columbia. In this capacity, she directs the administration and management of all division activities, including funding and oversight, water and wastewater infrastructure funding and sustainability, and more recently, innovative, public-private partnerships for improved watershed protection, and water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to protect public health and the environment, while strengthening local economies.
For more than 12 years, she also has been the region’s lead management point of contact on the Green Infrastructure (GI) and Urban Waters/Federal Partnership Initiatives in the Mid-Atlantic. Her leadership has helped garner national recognition for Region 3’s GI and sustainable community activities. In 2013, she received EPA’s James W. Craig Pollution Prevention Leadership Award for efforts related to alternative financing and innovative P3s. In 2015, her work on community-based public-private partnerships included creating the first guide of its type (“Community Based Public-Private Partnerships (CBP3s) and Alternative Market-Based Tools for Integrated Green Stormwater Infrastructure”) to support communities implementing large-scale, next-generation, sustainable stormwater infrastructure. Her leadership in advancing innovative, collaborative approaches and technologies is highlighted by her vision and creation of the Gold-Medal Green Highways Partnership 10 years ago, and more recently, development and implementation of the nationally recognized Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns (G3) Initiative and Partnership and the Geographic Information System-driven online Watershed Resources Registry tool to enable regulatory streamlining through improved community development and “Faster, Cheaper, Greener” watershed resources management. Her success with the G3 partnership, earned her the EPA National Honor Award for Outstanding Leadership in Collaborative Problem-Solving.
Areas of Specialization
- Infrastructure
- Sustainability
- Urban
- Water