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Katheryn Patterson

Professor of Practice


Katheryn Patterson, Ph.D., is a Legislative Affairs Specialist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration where she works to advance regulatory and legislative policies. Katheryn has 20 years of experience working in marine science, policy, conservation, education, and outreach. She has worked on a wide range of topics such as international fisheries policy, coral disease mitigation, marine protected areas, sustainable tourism, and science communication. In her previous roles at NOAA, Katheryn served on U.S. delegations to negotiate bi- and multilateral fisheries conservation and management measures and has led U.S. efforts in implementing international fisheries treaties. Katheryn holds a doctorate in Environmental Science and Public Policy from George Mason University.

Areas of Specialization

  • Environmental policy
  • International fisheries
  • Marine ecology and conservation
  • Marine living resources
  • Science communication, education, and outreach